Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Death by Chocolate

Despite eating multiple helpings of a Death by Chocolate dessert I made for a work potluck, I am very happy to post that last night's three mile stint on the treadmill went over remarkably well with my body. Now that I've figured out how to use the treadmill, I was able to correctly adjust the speed and I ran the three miles MUCH faster than last week. I kept a constant 10-minute mile pace throughout the run (I know that's slow, but it felt fast to me!). When I was finished running I really was so proud of myself for not slowing down at all during the workout and I was expecting other people to be proud of me too...maybe the five other people in the gym could have clapped for me and said "good job" to me. That would have been nice. It didn't happen though. Maybe I should start a trend at the gym...if I start telling random strangers good job after their workouts, maybe it will come full circle back to me. It can be a little depressing to accomplish what you were working hard at (in this case, a pace and time) and then not have anyone around to give you a high five. I think I need that encouragement. When I'm at the gym next, I'll try and remember to tell someone else "good job." Maybe karma will work her magic at the AV 24 Hour Fitness then for me.


At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Death by Chocolate - YUM - that reminds me of playing with friends and kids at the cabin. A little Death by Chocolate is a nessecity in life, but don't let it settle in your feet.

At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Death by Chocolate - YUM -


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