Thursday, November 02, 2006

I've let my blog down...

I ran last night, I did. Three miles. But, I have to confess, I ran slower than the day before. And not because I couldn't physically run faster, but because I let myself get mentally psyched out. I ran for 24 minutes at my 10-minute/mile pace, and then I slowed down. I'm sorry. I didn't want to let you down, but I did. I actually thought, while running, "Don't slow down. You can't disappoint your blog. Stop being a wuss." But in the end I pretty much convinced myself that I'd die some tragic treadmill death if I ran at the pace I was going at for six more minutes.

I'll try and do better tonight. Another three-miler. I gotta forewarn you, though, that tonight might not go so hot either. I was up early this morning and off to my dog walking job, then my "real" job, then I have to teach after work until 9:30 in Long Beach, and then I have to go back to my dog walking job, and then to the gym. It's gonna be a long day...


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