Tuesday, December 05, 2006

3 cupcakes + 3 miles = 0 calories

Ugg...so, so, so bad. I didn't run at all last weekend. We had zero spare time in Vegas. We worked ALL day on Saturday and finally stopped at 10:30pm. Afterwards, we were way too exhausted to go for a run. On Sunday we didn't stop working on the house until 6pm so it was late by the time we got back to OC. It's getting harder and harder to fit running into my busy schedule! Despite all the work we did in Las Vegas on Abdul's rental house, it was a worthwhile trip if for no other reason than the awesome hotel we stayed in. Check out some of the pics:

On Monday, even though it was a "rest" day, I decided that I'd rested enough over the weekend and I went to the gym (after chowing down on three chocolate cupcakes in the office earlier in the day) and ran 3 miles. I ran the first mile at a 9:30 pace, the second at a 9:00 pace, and the third at an 8:30 pace. So, at least I'm getting a bit faster.

Tonight I have to put in 4 miles, Wednesday 6, and Thursday 4. Then this weekend I am definitely going to go on a long run!


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