Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Reflections on Running

No, this isn't going to be some deep, philosophical post. Keep reading. Last night I ran 5 miles and it was pretty late when I ran and Abdul was worried about me running in the dark, so he rushed off to Sports Chalet and bought me this funky (but cute) looking reflective vest to wear when I run in the dark. He pulled up next to me after I'd run 3 miles and put it on me. So, now I don't have to worry as much about cars hitting me when I run in the dark.

Anyway, my run last night was actually pretty rough. I was having major side cramps, most likely because all I'd eaten so far during the day was one cookie, two truffles, and two other pieces of chocolate. Even after I finished the run I still felt horrible and it took everything I had to shower up before crashing in bed. Note to self: EAT! And, eat healthy.

Oh, my friend Megan also contributed to my new reflective running wardrobe by letting me borrow her Nike blinking running arm band. I'll try it out tonight when I head out for my 6 mile run. Meg's run a few marathon's before and she said she'll run some with me after she's done healing from childbirth (which was only three weeks ago!).


At 7:23 PM, Blogger Diane said...

I too worry about you running in the dark. Please be very careful, run only where there are lights and along side of busy highways were lots of people will see you. 26 miles isn't worth loosing 26 years. Love, MOM


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