Monday, January 15, 2007

Do you know CPR?

I don't, but the old guy at the gym who befriended me on the treadmill last night asked me if I did. When I said no, he said that if I didn't know CPR and he fell off the treadmill, I wouldn't be able to help him. I was like, "Yup, you'd be on your own." And then he lamented about how some guy working out nearby would probably have to give him CPR. Is that the lamest pick up line/story you've ever heard? And please, this guy was at least my dad's age!

Sigh...I asked Abdul if he thinks men hit on married or unmarried women more. I just think that if I had a wedding band on, it would be like a shield and would stop men from asking me if I knew CPR in case they keel over. Anyway, Abdul didn't have an answer and suggested that I get headphones. Thanks for the tip...

So, I ran 4 miles outside on Saturday and then was supposed to run 10 miles on Sunday, but Abdul took me to the Griffith Observatory and Melrose and we didn't get back from LA until just before dark. So, I ran 4 miles on the treadmill at the gym instead. I suck. I feel really guilty about skipping out on the long run, especially since I know I'll miss my long run next weekend too because I'll be in Phoenix visiting Julie and Katie (who just finished her second marathon yesterday!!!).

Here's a picture of Abdul & me at the Observatory:


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