Monday, March 05, 2007

Product Review: Blister Block by Band-Aid

Rating Review: Two Blistered Toes Down:-(

I ordered the Johnson & Johnson Band-Aid Blister Block product the other week (Abdul works for J&J and so I can get discounts on certain J&J products from an internal company store Web site). I put the blister blockers on my feet before my long run last Sunday. The front of the box for the blister blockers claims that these band-aids will stay on better than any other competing product (as determined in a clinical study). Study-shumdy! These things didn't stay on at all! First of all, I had a hard time getting them to stick when I was putting them on. I figured once I put my socks on, though, and applied pressure, they'd stick. We'll, about 6 miles into my run I felt something coming out of my left sock--it was my blister blocker! I think that the gel-like medication on the band-aid combined with my sweating feet and running motion loosened the band-aid and pushed it out of my sock. When I got home and took off my right sock, there was no blister blocker there either. That one must have slipped down my foot and crawled out of my sock at some other point during my run. Moleskin seems to work much better. Also, the box of the Band-Aid Blister Block only contained 4 band-aids--not a good deal for your money (luckily, I didn't pay full price for them!). Sorry Uncle Jay, but your Blister Block product needs some more testing and better adhesive.


At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you have mutant toes?

At 9:57 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

The Band-Aids weren't on my toes--they were on the sides of my feet (I don't get blisters on my toes).

I don't have mutant toes, but I do have these protruding bones (I call them my "knobs") on the tops of my feet that I need to get shaved off though...


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