Monday, February 12, 2007

TWELVE Miles!!!

I did it--12 miles on Sunday. I ran at Aliso & Wood Canyon again, even though the park was closed due to wet roads/trails. I ran again at a fairly consistent pace (a little slower than last time), but felt pretty good during and after the run. When I was finishing the run, another runner ran by me and said "Downhill is better than uphill." His statement is very true--I won't dispute that, but most of the trail is on flat ground and certainly the part we were running on was completely flat. So, I'm not sure if he was just trying to educate me on running different grades or if perhaps he delusionally thought that he was running downhill. Or maybe, after 12 miles, I was delusional and I just imagined the whole conversation.

Anyway...after the run I went home, showered, and then went to my friend, Pam's, going away open house in Signal Hill. Soon after I arrived I got really dizzy and light-headed and felt like I was going to faint. I got super super super hot and sweaty and nauseous and was white as a ghost. So embarrassing! I was escorted upstairs and eventually felt better. I felt so bad because the focus of the party was supposed to be on Pam, and then I walk in and almost faint and everyone is whispering about me. In the end, Pam drove me home in my car and I felt better. I had eaten quite a bit before I went running, but hadn't eaten anything after my run, so maybe that's why I got sick. It was two hours after my run that my episode occurred. Like I said, though, I'll make sure I eat more before and AFTER my next long run.

I also ran 4 miles on Saturday. It was sooo nice outside and I ran around my neighborhood in between baking and cooking for Book Club on Sat. night.


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