Friday, February 09, 2007

Cool Runnings

I'm getting serious about this marathon stuff now! On Wednesday I ran 6.5 miles outside--from my house to Abdul's in a roundabout, long way. It was a good run with many up and down hill portions, but I doubt I'll do it again at night because I had to run the entire length of Laguna Niguel Regional Park (on La Paz) and it kind of creeped me out to be running by a park at night. On Thursday I ran 8 miles outside, which is the longest mileage I've run outside during the week after work. I ran a huge block through Aliso Viejo, Laguna Hills, and Laguna Niguel--I went by the theaters in AV, the Aliso Creek Trail in LH, and Wal-Mart in LN. Quite a long run in the dark! This run also had many up and down hill portions. My legs are getting a good work out. Oh...but more poor feet! I'm going to have to start going in for weekly pedicures instead of monthly pedicures!

My pace during my outside runs remains very consistent pretty much no matter where I run. I run between a 9 and 10 minute mile, which is right where I want to be.

Today is an "off" day and then I pick things back up this weekend with a 4 miler on Saturday and a 12 miler on Sunday.


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