Thursday, December 21, 2006

Takin' a Break

I didn't run last night. -6 miles. And you know what? I'm not going to run again tonight. -5 more miles. It's not that I don't want to run, because believe it or not, I actually am enjoying it. It's just that I've run out of time! I'm grading my students' final papers this week and I have to get that done, along with a million other things, before I leave town on Sunday for Ohio and New York. I get out of work at noon tomorrow (Friday), though, and am going to run 6 miles in the afternoon. Then 9 on Saturday and 4 on Sunday before I fly out. I'm looking forward to running during the day's too cold and depressing at night.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Reflections on Running

No, this isn't going to be some deep, philosophical post. Keep reading. Last night I ran 5 miles and it was pretty late when I ran and Abdul was worried about me running in the dark, so he rushed off to Sports Chalet and bought me this funky (but cute) looking reflective vest to wear when I run in the dark. He pulled up next to me after I'd run 3 miles and put it on me. So, now I don't have to worry as much about cars hitting me when I run in the dark.

Anyway, my run last night was actually pretty rough. I was having major side cramps, most likely because all I'd eaten so far during the day was one cookie, two truffles, and two other pieces of chocolate. Even after I finished the run I still felt horrible and it took everything I had to shower up before crashing in bed. Note to self: EAT! And, eat healthy.

Oh, my friend Megan also contributed to my new reflective running wardrobe by letting me borrow her Nike blinking running arm band. I'll try it out tonight when I head out for my 6 mile run. Meg's run a few marathon's before and she said she'll run some with me after she's done healing from childbirth (which was only three weeks ago!).

Monday, December 18, 2006

Status Report

I ran 4 miles on Saturday (the first mile was in the rain) and then 8 on Sunday. I felt very sluggish on Saturday, but pretty good on Sunday. Next week's long mileage is 9. I'm slowly moving up!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Why should I pack out my poop?

A: If you pack out your poop, you’ll maintain aesthetic values, water quality, and improve occupational health and safety for the people who manage your waste for you.

Ha ha. Ha ha. Ha HA. I feel bad for people who have to "manage" other people's waste. That is one type of manager I don't think anyone would want to be.

Okay, I know, this is NOT a very lady-like post. I apoligize. It's just that I cracked up when reading about this subject. Why am I reading about this? Well, the other night Abdul and I watched this show about Mt. Everest on the Discovery Channel (is anyone else watching it? it's riveting!). So then I got really interested in learning more about Mt. Everest and reading about it and of course I would never ever in a million years want to climb Everest (nor would I ever be able to) or want anyone I love to climb it, but it got me thinking about mountains and hiking and then I remembered my friend Julie's, husband's friend, Dan, hiked to the top of Mt. Whitney in CA last summer. And so, yup, now I want to do that! Mt. Whitney is the highest mountain in the lower 48 states. And, you don't have to be a super experienced hiker to do it--it's not so much of a climb, as a long (10+ miles up) uphill trek. 2007 will be the year of the marathon. I'm thinking 2008 is the year of Mt. Whitney.

Anywho...reading a bit about it all and came across the Web site that talks about packing "it" out. In case you're interested, check it out at Anyone wanna hike it with me?? Don't worry, you don't have to pack "it" out during the summer months--there's toilets available on the trail/camps then.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

No Big Woop

So last night I ran my fastest three miles since high school. And yet, it was still insanely slow for anyone who is an actual runner. I was pretty thrilled with myself, but like I said, if you're any bit more of a runner than me, you know it's no big woop and you're probably making fun of me right now. 26:30. I think my fastest time ever for a 5K in high school was 23:20 or something like that. Last night I ran two 9 minute/miles and one 8:30 minute/mile to get done at 26:30. I was running on the treadmill, of course. If I can use my shorter distance days when I'm in the gym to work on my time, then I still feel like I'm making forward progress in my training. Now I gotta run all three miles at an 8:30 pace and then slowly keep shaving more and more time off.

Today is a rest day. Then 4 on Thursday and Saturday and another big 8 miler on Sunday.

Monday, December 11, 2006

You Must Not Know 'Bout Me

I finally kept my word...I ran 5 miles on Saturday before sunset (the BEST time of the day!). I ran from Abdul's house down Alicia to Avila and back. Then on Sunday I ran 8 miles, again right before sunset. Eight miles is the longest run I've ever done in my life so far. Abdul didn't end up coming with me because he worked out for a few hours at the gym in the morning, but I told him where I was going and when I was expecting to get home (just in case I got stolen by a stranger in an ice cream truck or something) and he surprised me and was waiting for me at the last turn I made into my complex. So, he ran the last .2 miles with me. I ran from my house down Alicia to Aliso Creek...then to La Paz and all the way down (and UP) La Paz to Paseo de Valencia and then back onto Alicia. One big 8 mile rectangle. Running uphill on La Paz was a bit rough, but after I got past mile six and over the hill, I just cruised through the last two miles. Next Sunday I need to run 8 again and Abdul says he'll really run it with me this time. Although I'm not super fast or anything, I'm glad I'm making progress. I mean, 1 1/2 months ago I would go for a three mile run and convince myself that I needed to stop and "stretch" after 1.5 miles...and then there was that nap I took in the park a few miles into my first 6 mile run. Now I know I can run 8 miles at a steady pace without stopping. I just need to tack on 18 more and I'm ready for the marathon!

Friday, December 08, 2006

To the left, to the left, to the left...

Okay, here's the skinny: I didn't run on Tuesday because I was beyond exhausted. I ran six miles outside after work on Wednesday and didn't get stolen, so that was good. I was again exhausted on Thursday after teaching, so I didn't run. I figure that I felt pretty good after my six mile run on Wed., and so that means that I can at least do it. I want to run five miles on Sat. and Abdul said he'd run 8 miles with me on Sun.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

3 cupcakes + 3 miles = 0 calories, so, so bad. I didn't run at all last weekend. We had zero spare time in Vegas. We worked ALL day on Saturday and finally stopped at 10:30pm. Afterwards, we were way too exhausted to go for a run. On Sunday we didn't stop working on the house until 6pm so it was late by the time we got back to OC. It's getting harder and harder to fit running into my busy schedule! Despite all the work we did in Las Vegas on Abdul's rental house, it was a worthwhile trip if for no other reason than the awesome hotel we stayed in. Check out some of the pics:

On Monday, even though it was a "rest" day, I decided that I'd rested enough over the weekend and I went to the gym (after chowing down on three chocolate cupcakes in the office earlier in the day) and ran 3 miles. I ran the first mile at a 9:30 pace, the second at a 9:00 pace, and the third at an 8:30 pace. So, at least I'm getting a bit faster.

Tonight I have to put in 4 miles, Wednesday 6, and Thursday 4. Then this weekend I am definitely going to go on a long run!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Quick, Quick Update


Skipped out on running 5 miles on Wednesday. I suck. Making dinner with Abdul and sitting in front of the fire watching a James Taylor tribute concert on TV sounded a lot better.

Ran 4 miles on the treadmill last night. Treadmills suck.

Heading to Vegas for the weekend...don't think I'll run today (it's a "rest" day anyways), but will try and get in my mileage tomorrow in the Fitness Center at the hotel and be home in time Sunday night to run 8 (yikes!) miles.