Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Life is Short. Marathons are Long. 24 Hour Fitness is Hot.

Yes, marathons are looong. Heck, 10 miles is long; I can't even imagine how long a marathon is going to feel. I can't take credit for the title of this post: I read it in an article about the top 10 must-run marathons on (the content was provided by Runner's World). Unfortunately, the San Diego marathon is not on this list. If you're interested in the "top 10" marathons and when you can run them, click here.

Crap...I had a paragraph here about running in the dark, but somehow it got deleted. Anyway, there is also an article on about the benefits of running in the dark, which I found interesting since I run in the dark. Apparently pre-day dark running is better than post-day dark running because you sleep better when you haven't exercised right before going to bed. I, though, sleep better when I'm not awakened by an alarm clock at 4:30am. If you run in the dark also and want to read more about this, click here.

I hesitated about posting this next link (and you'll see why if you click on it and do the Bounce-ometer demonstration), but I bought the product as it was highly recommended by my co-worker, Frances. I ran with this sports-bra-of-steel on Sunday and I can report that everything went well. If you're a female runner looking for a good sports bra, check out the Shock Absorber here.

Okay, on to running. I ran 4 miles at the gym last night. Sabina came with me and we both sweated out a gallon of sweat each, we think. Sabina is now on a mission to harass the 24 Hour Fitness headquarters with phone calls every day until they turn UP the AC and DOWN the heat in their gyms. For those of you reading this in states other than CA, you'll be happy to know that Sabina's quest encompasses all 24 Hour Fitness centers nationwide. If you'd like to participate in the "Turn Down the Heat" campaign, call the 24 Hour Fitness corporate headquarters at 800.432.6348 (apparently just talking to your local 24 Hour Fitness manager won't get the heat turned down).

Tonight I'm running 5 miles outside and then tomorrow we're off to Colorado for a weekend of skiing at Copper Mountain. I'll report back next week with pictures and an update.

Monday, January 29, 2007

TEN Miles!!!

I did it--yesterday I ran my farthest yet: My first 10 mile run. I ran in the afternoon at Aliso & Wood Canyon and I honestly felt great. I figured it would take me 1:40 at a 10-minute/mile pace, and I was pretty close--I finished in 1:38. I maintained a very consistent pace throughout the entire run and once I got past the first few miles, I just fell into a rhythm and kept on running. Oh, one thing that made me feel really great when I was running yesterday is that I actually passed two bikers! Ha...they were riding sooo slow because they obviously didn't know how to move the seats up on their bikes and so their knees were practically bumping their chins while they were riding. Anyway, I won't be able to run a "long" run next weekend because we'll be skiing in Colorado with Anna, but when I get back I bump up my long run to a 12 miler--yikes!

Working backwards...I ran 4 miles at the gym on Saturday. I just didn't feel like running outside, even though it was nice out, but I should have because I got soooo hot in the gym that I honestly thought I was going to pass out. I can now run 4 miles on the treadmill at a constant 8:57 mile pace.

After the gym on Saturday I went to my friend, Angela's, wedding to Marcelo. It was the first Muslim wedding ceremony (nikah) and reception (walima) that I've attended and I really enjoyed it. Here are a few pictures from it:

Me and Angela After the Ceremony (I had to wear hijab inside the masjid)

The Happy Couple

Me with friends Andrea and Megan

Friday was an off day. Last Thursday I ran 7 miles outside after work. I ran from my house down Alicia to past Po. I'm not sure if I'll do that run again, though, because I had to cross freeway on-ramps that don't have crossing signals and that was too much like playing chicken in the dark.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

6 is the New 4

Last night I ran 6 miles outside and I felt pretty good. Very good, in fact. At first, 3 miles was easy, then 4, and now 6. Running six miles now feels like a "nice" run. I know, I have a long way to go before I get to 26.2, but I don't think a 26 mile run will ever feel "nice." My next realistic goal is to make 8 miles feel like a walk in the park.

Last weekend when I was in Phoenix visiting Julie and Katie, I didn't get in any physical activity. The weather was cold and rainy and just plain miserable, so we didn't end up going on a hike. We did have fun touring the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art and just hanging out and catching up.

When I got home from Phoenix on Sunday night I went to the gym and ran 4 miles to make up for my missed Sat. run. There were actually lots of people running on the treadmills at the gym on Sun. It was nice to have a few "running partners." The guy next to me was up to 6 miles when I hopped off my treadmill. I wish I could do 6 miles at the gym, but I'm afraid I'd die of boredom. Note to self: Finally get an iPod.

Here's a pic of the three Ohio girls in Arizona last week. I know, I look like a goob. Ug...actually, I look like a man...what's up with THAT?

Friday, January 19, 2007

Tids and Bits

  • I skipped my run on Wednesday because I didn't feel well (had a cold). I sat inside and watched Food Network and did nothing all night long. I was bored out of my mind and by the end of the night I was pissed that I had wasted an entire evening "getting well."
  • I ran 6 miles on Thursday night, even though I was still sick. I couldn't sit inside and do nothing another night. While running, I came up behind a woman (in the dark) who was power walking with weights. I apparently totally scared her because when I ran by she screamed and jumped, which made me jump. I was running in my new Smart Wool beanie and dark colors (except for my reflective vest!) and I'm sure I looked like a hoodlum. Luckily I was able to reassure her that I wasn't going to steal her weights and body slam her into traffic.
  • Abdul made me take this super nasty Tylenol Cold & Flu stuff last night that I swear I almost puked up. I threw such a fit about taking it that in the end he promised that he'd never make me take it again and that he'd get me the "child's" cold medicine in the future. Thank you very much.
  • Remarkably, I feel better today. I guess the shot of Tylenol from last night helped. Although I still am never drinking that nasty stuff again.
  • My assritis has been acting up again lately. Abdul says it's because of the cold weather.
  • I forgot to mention a few weeks ago that my cousin, Sarah (who ran the Chicago Marathon), pointed me to a great Web site to map out runs. It's Check it out.
  • I ordered my Road ID (see link in side bar) and received it in the mail a few days ago. I wore it for the first time last night. Now, if I get hit by a crazy bus out of control on the sidewalk, or, more likely, if I trip and fall and knock myself out, whoever comes to help me (please, someone, come help me!) will know my name, etc., and who to contact.
  • I'm going to Phoenix this weekend to hang out with Julie and Katie. I'm sure I'll have a picture or two to post here next week. I doubt I'll get any running in, but we're hoping to do some hiking. I love hiking!!!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


There's no backing out now...I forked over the $75 and officially signed up to run in the San Diego Rock n' Roll Marathon on June 3, 2007!!

Quick running update: Ran 6 miles on Monday (even though it was a "rest" day) because I had to go to an STC meeting on Tuesday night. Tonight I'm supposed to put in 8 and then 6 on Thursday. I have a cold, now, though, but am hoping I can run it off.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Do you know CPR?

I don't, but the old guy at the gym who befriended me on the treadmill last night asked me if I did. When I said no, he said that if I didn't know CPR and he fell off the treadmill, I wouldn't be able to help him. I was like, "Yup, you'd be on your own." And then he lamented about how some guy working out nearby would probably have to give him CPR. Is that the lamest pick up line/story you've ever heard? And please, this guy was at least my dad's age!

Sigh...I asked Abdul if he thinks men hit on married or unmarried women more. I just think that if I had a wedding band on, it would be like a shield and would stop men from asking me if I knew CPR in case they keel over. Anyway, Abdul didn't have an answer and suggested that I get headphones. Thanks for the tip...

So, I ran 4 miles outside on Saturday and then was supposed to run 10 miles on Sunday, but Abdul took me to the Griffith Observatory and Melrose and we didn't get back from LA until just before dark. So, I ran 4 miles on the treadmill at the gym instead. I suck. I feel really guilty about skipping out on the long run, especially since I know I'll miss my long run next weekend too because I'll be in Phoenix visiting Julie and Katie (who just finished her second marathon yesterday!!!).

Here's a picture of Abdul & me at the Observatory:

Friday, January 12, 2007

Pumping Iron, Part I

I've been keeping up with my running this week. 4 miles (on the treadmill) on Tuesday and 4 miles (on the treadmill again) on Thursday. Last night my friend, Megan, who had a baby only 6 weeks ago, and already weighs more than 10 pounds less than me, worked out with me. She has a degree in exercise physiology, and so it was great to get her advice on running and lifting weights. She ran for awhile with me and then helped me work out my abs, triceps, and biceps. I'm actually not hurting today, so either I was doing something wrong yesterday or I just didn't push myself hard enough. I'm such a pansy, so it's probably the latter. Anyway, Megan is going to work out with me weekly now, which will be fun. Maybe her husband will come with us sometime and really show me how it's done--he's a personal trainer. I have just over four months to get ready for the marathon, so it's time to bring out the big guns.

Monday, January 08, 2007


A week of running...five, then six (in the rain), then five in Aliso Woods, then 9 in Aliso Woods. I really enjoyed running on the trails in Aliso Woods. It's nice to be around a bunch of other people who are running, hiking, and biking. I especially like it when other runners wave at me or give me some encouragement. One man even said, "Now that's what I like to see!" A few minutes after he passed me I started to wonder exactly what he likes to running or something else. After carefully checking to make sure that my pants were still on and my shirt wasn't pulled over head, I decided that he must just like to see other people out on the trail sweating, heaving, snotting, and looking like they're going to pass out. Go figure.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

How well can you spell?

Ug...does Fergie's love for spelling (and misspelling) drive anyone else nuts? I admit, I actually kind of started to like her song, Fergalicious, but now her new single, Glamorous, is just too much. Okay, we get it, you like to spell. And sometimes, you can actually spell. But dang girl, sing it, don't spell it!

Okay, on to running. Long overdue update. Hmm...last I left off I was ditching my running to do better things. I did run 6 miles on the 22nd...and then 9 on the 23rd. I really appreciated one of my neighbors congratulating me at the end of both runs. That's what I need! And then I went to Ohio and New York over the holidays and only ran once--a 6 mile run on the 27th. I did do some hiking and skiing though, so that's gotta count for something. I hit the road in my muddy (from hiking) running shoes again tonight though. Time to get back on track.

Here's a picture of my Dad, brother, sister, and me hiking in New York: